Hill-Rom medical beds have been developed by American company, Hill-Rom and have a heritage stretching back 80 years. William A. Hillenbrand, the founder, first started designing and producing Hill-Rom medical beds, as he wanted to alleviate certain conditions within patients. His vision was to produce top quality products that could enhance the lives of medical customers and their patients. William A. Hillenbrand wanted to "bring the home to the hospital." The management and design teams have worked on this principal to develop the company into an industry leader and a reliable partner in delivering leading health care solutions.

About Hill-Rom
Today Hill-Rom medical beds are recognized as being a leading supplier of stretchers and beds, together with a pre and post sales service that is well appreciated by its partners. Hill-Rom takes pride in extensive market research and listens to the problems that customers face in their everyday work. Hill-Rom medical beds are designed to be customized for each patient's needs. Hill-Rom's medical partners provide feedback and Hill-Rom considers their relationship to be a real partnership that enables them to satisfy their needs. In fact, if it is not possible for a partner to buy Hill-Rom equipment, it is possible take advantage of Hill-Rom leasing services.
Quality is key
Hill-Rom considers that quality is a promise. They state that it is more than a process or a program to be followed. Hill-Rom point to their 80 years of customer satisfaction, which is evidence of their ability to build long-term customer relationships, product quality and product innovation. As Hill-Rom point out, this is their history of success, but it is also the protection of their future success.
Despite the general problems in the worldwide economy, Hill-Rom recognizes that the medical equipment sector is growing and requires the latest technology and best innovation at the most competitive prices. Quality cannot be compromised and they make this the day-to-day mantra, that all the staff, from the shop floor to the executive boardroom, needs to keep constantly in mind.
Code of conduct
As Hill-Rom emphasizes the company needs to adopt a code of conduct that is as uncompromising and professional as a doctor's relationship with the patient. Every member of Hill-Rom staff fully understands how they should interact with health care professionals. This includes specific detailed guidelines about marketing practices when communicating with the health care professional community. Their code of conduct closely follows the provisions laid out in the voluntary AdvaMed Code of Ethics that deals with interactions with health care professionals and is published by the Advanced Medical Technology Association.
Hill-Rom is a professional company completely focused on its market sector. Both competitors and medical health care professionals acknowledge hill-Rom medical beds as the point of reference against which competitive products should be measured. Hill-Rom medical beds have been successful, not only because of their quality, but also because of the first class pre and post sales support that is provided to make sure that the patient's needs are completely satisfied.