Obesity and weight gain are gaining credibility and acceptance amongst health professionals. The debate continues to rage, on the causes behind the epidemic. However, whilst this is going on, the demand for bariatric medical beds to serve this particular population is also growing. These beds are tailored specifically to meet the needs of the patients and caregivers. Many overweight people can hardly fit into regular medical beds, this leads to humiliation on their part as they try to adjust and live normally.

Injury risks
Increased body weight not only increases the risk of injury to the patient, but is also an extra challenge to the caregiver. Bariatric medical beds are a solution to this challenge. They make it easier for the caregiver to turn and reposition a patient frequently. Bariatric medical beds are strong and adjustable to go through doorways easily, and handle other challenges like toileting, assisting with bathing, and transfer from bed to wheel chair and supporting limbs whilst performing patient handling tasks. Bariatric medical beds are an asset to any caregivers who understands these challenges too well.
Preventing bedsores and increasing bed movement
Bariatric medical beds also come with mattresses to meet the demands of heavy people, ensuring they remain free of bedsores. They are adjustable to reduce ulcer formation on the skin that is caused by immobility. Air circulation enables a caregiver to deflate and inflate the leg area of the mattress, and turns a patient on their side whenever needed. They can also be equipped to allow pulmonary care administration to patients effectively. Some come with their own swing that enables a patient to move himself or herself in the absence of the caregiver. This is very crucial for patients recuperating at home because they will require minimal help from a caregiver. Investing in a bariatric medical bed goes a long way in easing the family's worries on care giving and frees the patient of mental stress that comes with being overweight.
Bed strength and sturdiness
Bariatric medical beds are strong and sturdy with reinforced frames and large sleeping areas compared to regular medical beds. When installing a bariatric medical bed, ensure that you leave enough clearance space for clinical and nursing tasks, be it at home or in a hospital setting. Electrical bariatric beds give the best comfort for sleeping and medical care provision. They work best with bariatric mattresses and alternating pressure mattresses for management and relief of respiratory and circulatory problems. This relieves pressure and reduces the risk of potential injuries and bedsores.
Electric bariatric medical beds
Bariatric electric medical beds come in different sizes to accommodate different patient sizes; these are 48, 54, and 60 inches in width. Heavy duty engineered components and accessories accompany the bed, enabling it to bear a maximum weight capacity of 600lbs to 1000lbs. They are also easily adjustable to allow actions like watching television in bed, eating, and reading books in an inclined position with minimum hassle. Whatever your needs, a bar iatric medical bed will efficiently meet them and give you peace of mind as you give medical care.